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What is Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.

Benefits of School-Wide PBIS

Admittedly, PBIS can feel foreign to those familiar with traditional punitive discipline systems. But adopting a PBIS framework schoolwide can have incredible benefits:

  • Improves school culture
  • Builds social skills
  • Reduces office discipline referrals
  • Reduces suspensions
  • Increases instructional time
  • Improves social and emotional development
  • Improves school safety
  • Increases student engagement
  • Improves academic performance
  • Increases family involvement
  • Improves faculty retention
  • Improves classroom management

Adoption of a PBIS framework has the potential to create radical change in the climate of a struggling school. For educators who are seeking to reach and teach every student in their charge, PBIS makes it possible.