Parents » Student Discipline Procedures

Student Discipline Procedures

Each student has the right to learn. Each teacher has the right to teach. School can be a very positive and rewarding experience when students are able to succeed academically and socially. However, students must realize that inappropriate behavior, both in the classrooms and on the school grounds, will result in negative consequences. In addition to the school-wide behavior expectation, each teacher has developed a classroom discipline plan that describes specific behavior and consequences. The Principal, Assistant Principal and Guidance Personnel will provide additional support to Staff members in dealing with persistent or severe behavior problems. Some strategies used include: counseling, parent conference with teachers, parent accompanying student to classes, behavior contracts, placement in alternate school program, campus clean-up, detention, suspension and/or expulsion. Students who fail to maintain a 2.0 GPA, have 2 or more ‘F’s or who have repeated behavior problems, will lose certain privileges, including participation in the athletic program, dances and other activities.



Students who become involved in areas of behavior problems will be subject to certain disciplinary actions. Depending upon the behavior problem of the student, one or more of the following actions may be taken by the school officials (according to Board policies and State Law). The frequency and severity of student behavior problems will determine the level of intervention discipline administered. In all cases, guidelines laid out in Section 48900 of the California Education Code will be followed.



Students may be detained in school for disciplinary or other reasons (including tardies) for one hour after the close of the school day. Parents will be notified by phone or written notice within 24 hours.



Students may be detained during their lunch break by their teacher(s) or other school official for disciplinary or other reasons. Students must be allowed to eat their lunches during the time provided.



A formal conference is held between the student, parent and teacher or team of teachers. Parent involvement will be solicited in an attempt to modify and improve student behavior.



The police will be contacted in cases that involve drugs, theft, truancy and serious offenses as determined by Administration. The police will be called particularly when there are cases that result in a student injury or if alcohol or weapons are brought onto the campus.



Parent(s) may be requested to escort student or attend class(es) with their child if the negative behavior continues.



Restitution (in fines or community service) will be expected for damages to school property.



Students may be detained in school on Saturday for disciplinary or other reasons (including tardies). Parents will be notified by written notice.



The student is informed that he/she is subject to suspension (up to five days). The student’s parent(s) or legal guardian is notified by telephone or in person that the student is subject to a suspension and the reason for that decision. Notification to the parents or legal guardian must include clear instructions regarding the due process procedure. Suspensions must be recorded in the student’s record. Upon the student’s return after a suspension, the parent or guardian must meet with a school representative.



Upon a serious offense or continued pattern of misbehavior, student and parents will be invited to attend a meeting with Pupil Services. This meeting will determine the student’s future placement and outline future consequences.



The student is entitled to a hearing to determine whether the student should be expelled. Written notice of the hearing shall be forwarded to the student and the student’s parents/guardians at least 10 calendar days before the date of the hearing. The Director of Pupil Resources will recommend to the Board of Education that the student be expelled. The expulsion does not become effective until the due process has been completed.



Students are expected to comply with all reasonable requests and to follow direction when asked to do so by school personnel. If you feel that you are being treated unjustly, you may see the Assistant Principal or the Principal. Respect is an expectation. Abusive language, profanity or obscene gestures are not acceptable. Students must identify themselves correctly when approached by school personnel.



Marshall is a closed campus. This means that students cannot leave the grounds at any time during the school day, unless signed out by a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must sign the student out of the Main Office when leaving school and provide photo identification and sign in upon returning to school. Any student who leaves the campus without permission will be truant and will be subject to disciplinary action.



We encourage our students to become involved in a variety of after school activities including: clubs, tutoring, sports, etc. Students must meet eligibility requirements to participate in sports, dances and other extracurricular activities and must possess an I.D. card.



Riding a skateboard or bicycle to school is a privilege. Skateboards and bicycles are to be walked on and off the school grounds. Skateboards and bicycles are not permitted inside the campus/classrooms. Park and lock them in the bike rack. ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR HELMETS (as required by State law) and have locks for their skateboards and bicycles. The school is not responsible for any loss of skate boards or bicycles.